Newtownshandrum GAA & Camogie

Founded 1896


Shandrum Easter Run to Croke Park 2021

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In normal times, at this time of year, Shandrum Juvenile players would be looking forward to getting back out onto the field in preparation for the year of hurling ahead. Sadly, these are not normal times and therefore the playing fields remain out of bounds to us for now.

We, the Shandrum Minor Hurling Panel of 2021 have been working hard at home, like other teams in the club, in order to be as prepared as possible for the upcoming year of hurling. After winning the U16 North Cork Championship last year we are looking forward with great anticipation to another successful year in Cork’s Premier 2 Minor Hurling Grade.

As Henry Ford once stated, “Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.” We have been preparing by means of Zoom meetings, Zoom Training Sessions and Monthly S&C programmes courtesy of Jerry Lane. These have helped us in many ways, lifting morale, keeping us challenged, maintaining communication and keeping friendships afloat while we can’t be out on the field together. Like all teenagers, we miss the craic we were so used to in previous years!

There is great credit due to all players and coaches for showing such enthusiasm whilst navigating the last 3 months with such a positive mindset. We have also been fortunate to have had the input and benefit of two excellent speakers during this time, namely Timmy Hammersley - a former Tipperary hurler who shared his thoughts on Well-Being and Johnny Holland - a former Munster Rugby player for a presentation around Nutrition.

Another way in which we kept morale up was by having monthly challenges set for us by our coaches. In February, the coaches and players had to complete a “Jerusalema Dance Challenge”, which caused great consternation and hilarity in equal measure…

This month, the players had to engage and interact with each other to complete a Well-being challenge and Nutrition Challenge.

For April, the Shandrum Minor Hurlers have come up with an idea to host a Virtual Fundraising Event which is being used to cover some of the expenses already incurred over the past 3 months.

The goal is to complete a Virtual Run from Newtownshandrum GAA Club to Croke Park in Dublin.

Each player will run an agreed distance and the sum of all the distances will equate to the trip from our local GAA club to Croker, a distance of approximately 250 kilometres. This event will be completed over the Easter weekend, from the 2nd of April (Good Friday) to the 5th of April (Easter Monday) 2021.

To quote Henry again…”If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” A lot of work has gone into the organisation of this event by players and coaches combined and your support would be massively appreciated. Every line that is filled for the fundraiser will also be entered into a draw for some spot prizes.

A special mention to our Sponsor Grasstec Livestock Services – Jamie Coughlan who have come on board to sponsor Training Jerseys. We had great fun designing our Jerseys which will be worn during the event.

As we all know, every difficult situation presents an opportunity and the current time in Level 5 Lockdown is certainly no different. It has given the clubs officers and coaches the chance to look at ways of improving the structures in the club. The club was very fortunate to have been chosen to take part in the Munster Club Development Programme by Cork GAA. This programme has proved invaluable in helping to provide a roadmap for the future vision of the club. See link for more info:

One of the main activities going on behind the scenes has been the launch of the ClubZap communication app for clubs. This app brings all GAA and Camogie activity to one location through the app and our new club website. Dromina GAA have also launched this app to communicate with their own members. We would encourage anyone who would like to keep up to date with all games and activities to check out the app-

Also, our club coaches have been very busy upskilling themselves through online coaching and by completing mandatory safeguarding training.

Another development that has been put in place for 2021 is that the main grades of championship have changed after the GAA decided centrally that U13, U15 and U17 must be the primary competitions for 2021 instead of U14, U16 and U18. This means from 2022 that any player over U17 will be considered an adult player.

If there’s one thing for sure in these uncertain times, it’s that this difficult period will pass. GAA clubs and especially Juvenile clubs have a very important role in helping our youth to return to playing activities, whilst creating a good environment to grow and have fun.

This is our ultimate objective.

Contributors can donate in many ways

· Sponsorship Card - Any player can be contacted directly

· See link above – Donate via Credit/Debit Card

· Click on QR Code - Donate via Credit/Debit Card

· Newtownshandrum ClubZap Shop - Donate via Credit/Debit Card

As previously stated, every donation would be very greatly appreciated.

Published by Cillian Quinn – Shandrum Minor Hurler & Juvenile PRO Carmel McCarthy

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